Frontal Impact: Miami Memories

This takes place when they are in Miami.

Daniel and Brenton are in a Marketplace in Miami, walking along, eating rolls, and chatting.

'We've been on the run a while now,' says Brenton. 'Have you ever thought on calling on your uncle to help you deal with the sitch.'

'What's life if you can't live a little,' replied Daniel.

They carry on and find the Fragma girls at a cafe, sipping coffee.

'This is Taylor,' says Coco. 'I'm sure she's your cup of tea Daniel.'

'Blonde, Bimbo but beautiful,' says Daniel. 'Perfect.'

'Asshole,' replied Taylor.

They boys sat down.

'I have friends in New York who can shelter you from your Eurobandits,' said Taylor. 'They'll probably catch up to you here soon enough. Their network is well connected on the scene.'

'And what's the scene exactly?' asked Brenton.

'Oh, you know. The underworld. Mafioso, Triads, Columbian drug dealers. All that jazz.'

'I could imagine,' replied Brenton.

'Funny that you seem to know it well enough,' said Daniel.

'Passaround girlfriend from scheister to scheister,' replied Taylor. 'They like the looks of me and fork over some cash, and I get passed on. Been doing this since I was 16. Pays the bills you know. All the drinks and cuisine.'

'But you'll settle down one day?' replied Daniel.

'Don't know. Depends if I find the right guy,' said Taylor.

'Family? Mum and Dad?' queried Daniel.

'New York too,' said Taylor. 'But that's not where I'd take you.'

'So willing to help out,' said Brenton. 'Funny that.'

'She's an old buddy,' said Coco. 'We were with the same guys for a while. I trust her like my own blood.'

'I see,' said Brenton, still looking suspiciously at Taylor.

'You guys wanna come over,' said Taylor. 'I'm down on the beachfront. We can have a barbecue for dinner. Dancing, fine wine, music. It'll be a blast.'

'While we're here,' said Daniel. 'Sure.'

Taylor smiled at Daniel. He gave her a wink.

The Miami Days involve Daniel gradually getting to know Taylor with chats about life and their situation. Beachfront parties, and meeting people and casual conversation.

Eventually the Eurobandits find out where they are and come to Taylor's house. This is 'Frontal Impact' time when they get out the back and escape onto the streets, as the

hoods chase after them. They end up borrowing a car and hotwiring it to get away, with Daniel, Taylor and Brenton in the front and the Fragma girls in the back. As Daniel

drives along Taylor insults him all the time and insults his driving but, of course, the hoods catch up and there is the traditional car chase scene. Eventually the hoods crash

into a barrier, but are otherwise fine, and they get away. They drive on, get some fuel, and it is agreed that they will head to New York. Miami Memories is about 3 episodes

all up, building up to the 'Frontal Impact' hot scenes when the hoods find them. The song Memory by Fragma is the Music for these episodes.